Installation Instructions



You need to do the following to add Lime CRM Sales Board to your database.

  1. Download the latest release from Lime Store.
  2. Only needed if you want to use SQL as datasource instead of VBA: Add the SQL table valued function cfn_addon_limecrmsalesboard_gettablefromstring.
  3. Only needed if you want to use SQL as datasource instead of VBA: Add the SQL scalar valued function cfn_addon_limecrmsalesboard_getsqlexpression.
  4. Only needed if you want to use SQL as datasource instead of VBA: Add the SQL procedure csp_addon_limecrmsalesboard_getboard.
  5. Only needed if you want to use SQL as datasource instead of VBA: Restart the LDC (right-click on it and click "Shut down").
  6. Restart the Lime CRM desktop client.
  7. Enter the VBA editor. In the immediate window, type lip.InstallFromZip. Select the LIP zip file you downloaded from Lime Store.
  8. Compile and save VBA.
  9. Add the folder LimeCRMSalesBoard under apps in your Actionpads folder.
  10. Configure the LimeCRMSalesBoard.html file to make Lime CRM Sales Board work the way you want to. Out of the box, Lime CRM Sales Board is configured to work for the Deals tab in the Lime CRM Core Database.
  11. Add a link in your main Actionpad, for example like this:

    <li data-bind="vba:'AO_LimeCRMSalesBoard.openLimeCRMSalesBoard', text:localize.Addon_LimeCRMSalesBoard.openLimeCRMSalesBoard, icon:'fa-align-left fa-rotate-90'"></li>
  12. Publish Actionpads.

  13. Add a customization record under the customer in Lime Technologies own Lime CRM. Link it to the product card for Lime CRM Sales Board. Fill in the version installed.