
The file views\LimeCRMSalesBoard.html contains the app config object. An example is shown below together with an explanation for the different settings available.

<div data-app="{app:'LimeCRMSalesBoard', config: {
        dataSource: 'vba',
        maxNbrOfRecords: 300,
        boards: [ {
            table: 'deal',
            lanes: {
                optionField: 'dealstatus',
                defaultValues: {
                    laneColor: 'clean-green',
                    cardIcon: 'completion',
                    positiveSummation: true
                individualLaneSettings: [
                        key: 'contact',
                        color: 'blue'
                        key: 'requirement',
                        color: 'turquoise'
                        key: 'tender',
                        color: 'green'
                        key: 'agreement',
                        cardIcon: 'happy'
                        key: 'rejection',
                        color: 'deep-red',
                        cardIcon: 'sad',
                        positiveSummation: false
                        key: 'onhold',
                        color: 'orange',
                        cardIcon: 'wait',
                        positiveSummation: false
            summation: {
                field: 'value',
                unit: 'SEK'
            card: {
                titleField: 'name',
                value: {
                    field: 'value',
                    unit: 'SEK'
                percentField: 'probability',
                sorting: {
                    field: 'timestamp',
                    descending: true
                owner: {
                    fieldName: 'coworker',
                    relatedTableName: 'coworker',
                    relatedTableFieldName: 'name'
                additionalInfo: {
                    fieldName: 'company',
                    relatedTableName: 'company',
                    relatedTableFieldName: 'name'

dataSource: Can be either 'vba' or 'sql'. Important: Should always be 'vba' in the cloud environment.

maxNbrOfRecords: The maximum number of records fetched from the database, no matter how many records that are currently shown in the list. A recommended number is 300. Showing more records than that is not really what the Sales Board is for. Better to use the Salespipe add-on if you are looking for summations of a pipe containing that many records.

boards: An array containing board objects. Each board object represent a Lime CRM tab and each tab can only be represented once.

boards.table: The database name of the table the board concerns.

boards.lanes: An object with settings for the lanes on the board.

boards.lanes.optionField: The options of this field will render one lane each.

boards.lanes.ignoreOptions: This object is only needed if you want to prevent certain columns from being drawn on the board. If not present, all active options will be included on the board. Note that inactive options always are ignored.

boards.lanes.ignoreOptions.keys: A semicolon separated list of the keys of the options to ignore. Best practice is to both start and end the string with a semicolon.

boards.lanes.ignoreOptions.ids: Only used if there is no keys property defined on the ignoreOptions object. A semicolon separated list of the idstrings of the options to ignore. Best practice is to both start and end the string with a semicolon.

boards.lanes.defaultValues: An object with default values that will be used by Lime CRM Sales Board if a value is not specified for a specific option in the individualLaneSettings array.

boards.lanes.defaultValues.laneColor: The default color for a lane if another one is not specified in the individualLaneSettings array. Must be one of the following:

  • 'blue'
  • 'turquoise'
  • 'green'
  • 'clean-green'
  • 'orange'
  • 'deep-red'
  • 'light-grey'
  • 'magenta'
  • 'citrus'
  • 'yellow'
  • 'purple-rain'

boards.lanes.defaultValues.cardIcon: The default icon for a lane if another one is not specified in the individualLaneSettings array. Must be one of the following: 'completion', 'happy', 'sad' or 'wait'. Always overrides the cardIconField setting.

boards.lanes.defaultValues.cardIconField: The name of the field from where the name of the icon to use for the cards should be fetched. The field must contain one of the following strings: 'completion', 'happy', 'sad' or 'wait'. Will only be used if a cardIcon is not specified neither on the defaultValues object nor on the individualLaneSettings for a lane.

boards.lanes.defaultValues.positiveSummation: The default setting for if the summation values for a lane should add to the principal sum in the board title or the sum within parenthesis. Used if another one is not specified in the individualLaneSettings array.

boards.lanes.individualLaneSettings: An array of objects where each object represents an option in the option field.

boards.lanes.individualLaneSettings.key: The key of the option. Used to identify which option the settings should be used for. If not specified, an id must be specified. Only used if a key was not specified. Should then contain the idstring of the option the settings should be applied on.

boards.lanes.individualLaneSettings.color: The color of the lane, meaning the color of the bar above the first card and the color of the icon (not valid for icon 'completion'). Must be one of the following: 'blue', 'turquoise', 'green', 'clean-green', 'orange' or 'deep-red'.

boards.lanes.individualLaneSettings.cardIcon: Determines which icon that is going to be shown on the cards in the lane. Must be one of the following: 'completion', 'happy', 'sad' or 'wait'. Always overrides the cardIcon and cardIconField attributes on the defaultValues object.

boards.lanes.individualLaneSettings.positiveSummation: Should be set to true if the summation values for the lane should add to the principal sum in the board title and false if instead the sum within parenthesis.

boards.summation: An object with settings for how the summation in the title of the board should be done.

boards.summation.field: The database name of the field that should be summarized. Can be set to an empty string if summation is not relevant for the specific board. Note: This does not have to be the same as the value field on the card. SQL expression on the field is supported by Lime CRM Sales Board.

boards.summation.unit: The unit that will be shown after the summarized values. Can be set to an empty string if summation is not relevant for the specific board.

boards.card: An object with settings that are common for all the cards on the board.

boards.card.titleField: The database name of the field that will be shown in the first row on the cards.

boards.card.value: An object with settings for the value of the cards.

boards.card.value.field: The database name of the field that will be shown as the value on the card. Can be set to an empty string if summation is not relevant for the specific board. SQL expression on the field is supported by Lime CRM Sales Board.

boards.card.value.unit: The unit that will be shown after the card values. Can be set to an empty string if summation is not relevant for the specific board.

boards.card.percentField: The database name of the field that will be used to show the completion icon on the cards. Must be a percent field. Can be left empty or removed from configuration. SQL expression on the field is supported by Lime CRM Sales Board.

boards.card.sorting: Settings for how the cards should be sorted within the lanes. Can be removed from the configuration.

boards.card.sorting.field: The database name of the field that should control the sorting.

boards.card.sorting.descending: A boolean that tells Lime CRM Sales Board whether to sort descending or ascending.

boards.card.owner: The owner of the card will be shown at the bottom of each card. Is always assumed to be a relation to another table.

boards.card.owner.fieldName: The database name of the relation field on the card the board is configured for.

boards.card.owner.relatedTableName: The database name of the table the relation field points to. Important: Record access on the target table is neglected.

boards.card.owner.relatedTableFieldName: The database name of the field on the related table that should be shown on the card in Lime CRM Sales Board.

boards.card.additionalInfo: This information will be shown after the value of the card. Can be either a relation to another table or a field directly on the card which the board is configured for.

boards.card.additionalInfo.fieldName: The database name of the field (relation or other) on the card the board is configured for.

boards.card.additionalInfo.relatedTableName: If the field is a relation field, then this parameter should be set to the database name of the table the relation field points to. If not a relation field, then just leave this parameter empty or remove it. Important: Record access on the target table is neglected.

boards.card.additionalInfo.relatedTableFieldName: If the field is a relation field, then this parameter should be set to the database name of the field on the related table that should be shown on the card in Lime CRM Sales Board. If not a relation field, then just leave this parameter empty or remove it.

boards.card.additionalInfo.dateFormat: Important: Only works when dataSource = 'sql'. Include this object in the configuration if the chosen field is a Time field and you want to specify the format of the date and/or time shown. Not mandatory. Example:

dateFormat: {
    sqlFormatCode: 120,
    length: 10

boards.card.additionalInfo.dateFormat.sqlFormatCode: The T-SQL format code that should be used. Not mandatory.

boards.card.additionalInfo.dateFormat.length: The number of characters SQL Server should cut the formatted timestamp to after having converted it into text. Not mandatory.